
Email: xychen@cemps.ac.cn
个人网页: http://sippe.ac.cn/xy





1982年9月-1985年12月,英国Reading 大学,获植物学博士学位





在国内外发表论文150余篇,包括Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications, Plant Cell等国际重要刊物,申请或授权专利20多项。曾获何梁何利科学技术进步奖,全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖,国际棉花基因组指导委员会(ICGI)杰出贡献奖,上海科普教育创新奖科普杰出人物奖,上海市自然科学奖一等奖等。目前承担国家基金委基础科学中心、基金委重大、国家科技重大、国家重点研发、中科院等科研项目。

    1.Mao YB, Liu YQ, Chen DY, Chen FY, Fang X, Hong GJ, Wang LJ, Wang JW, Chen XY*. (2017) Jasmonate response decay and defense metabolite accumulation contributes to age-regulated dynamics of plant insect resistance. Nature Communications, 8:13925.

    2.Chao LM, Liu YQ, Chen DY, Xue XY, Mao YB, and Chen XY*. (2017) Arabidopsis transcription factors SPL1 and SPL12 confer plant thermotolerance at reproductive stage. Molecular Plant, 10: 735–748.

    3.Fang X, Li JX, Huang JQ, Xiao YL, Zhang P, Chen XY.* (2017) Systematic identification of functional residues of Artemisia annua amorpha-4,11-diene synthase. Biochem Journal, 474: 2191-2202.

    4.Wu XM, Yang CQ, Mao YB, Wang LJ, Shangguan XX, Chen XY.* (2016) Targeting insect mitochondrial complex I for plant protection. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14: 1925-1935.

    5.Ma D, Hu Y, Yang C, Liu B, Fang L, Wan Q, Liang W, Mei G, Wang L, Wang H, Ding L, Dong C, Pan M, Chen J, Wang S, Chen S, Cai C, Zhu X, Guan X, Zhou B, Zhu S, Wang J, Guo W, Chen X*, Zhang T*. (2016) Genetic basis for glandular trichome formation in cotton. Nature Communications, 7:10456.

    6.Yu ZX, Wang LJ, Zhao B, Shan CM, Zhang YH, Chen DF, Chen XY*. (2015) Progressive regulation of sesquiterpene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis and Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) by the miR156-targeted SPL transcription factors. Molecular Plant, 8:98-110.

    7.Zhang TZ, et al. (2015) Sequencing of allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. acc. TM-1) provides a resource for fiber improvement. Nature Biotechnology 33,531–537.

    8.Shan CM, Shangguan XX, Zhao B, Zhang XF, Chao LM, Yang CQ, Wang LJ, Zhu HY, Zeng YD, Guo WZ, Zhou BL, Hu GJ, Guan XY, Chen JZ, Wendel JF, Zhang TZ*, Chen XY*. (2014) Control of cotton fibre elongation by a homeodomain transcription factor GhHOX3. Nature Communications, 5: 5519.

    9.Xue XY, Zhao B, Chao LM, Chen DY, Cui WR, Mao YB, Wang LJ, Chen XY*. (2014) Interaction between two timing microRNAs controls trichome distribution in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics, 10(4): e1004266.

    10.Hong GJ, Xue XY, Mao YB, Wang LJ, Chen XY*. (2012) Arabidopsis MYC2 interacts with DELLA proteins in regulating sesquiterpene synthase gene expression. Plant Cell, 24: 2635-2648.

    11.Xu B, Gou JY, Li FG, Shangguan XX, Zhao B, Yang CQ, Wang LJ, Yuan S, Liu CJ, Chen XY*. (2012) A cotton BURP domain protein interacts with α-expansin and their co-expression promotes plant growth and fruit production. Molecular Plant, 6(3): 945-958.

    12.Yu ZX, Li JX, Yang CQ, Hu WL, Wang LJ, Chen XY*. (2012) The jasmonate-responsive AP2/ERF transcription factors AaERF1 and AaERF2 positively regulate artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L. Molecular Plant, 5: 353-365.

    13.Yu N, Cai WJ, Wang S, Shan CM, Wang LJ, Chen XY*. (2010) Temporal control of trichome distribution by miR156-targeted SPL genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 22: 2322–2335.

    14.Mao YB, Cai WJ, Wang JW, Hong GJ, Tao XY, Wang LJ, Huang YP, Chen XY*. (2007) Silencing a cotton bollworm P450 gene by plant-mediated RNAi impairs larval tolerance to gossypol. Nature Biotechnology, 25: 1307-1313.

    15.Wang JW, Wang LJ, Mao YB, Cai WJ, Xue HW, Chen XY*. (2005) Control of root cap formation by microRNA-targeted auxin response factors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 17(8): 2204-2216.

    16.Wang GD, Li QJ, Luo B, Chen XY*. (2004) Ex planta phytoremediation of trichlorophenol and phenolic allelochemicals via an engineered secretory laccase. Nature Biotechnology, 22(7): 893-897.

    17.Wang S, Wang JW, Yu N, Li CH, Luo B, Gou JY, Wang LJ, Chen XY*. (2004) Control of plant trichome development by a cotton fiber MYB gene. Plant Cell, 16(9): 2323-2334.