


Email: xulin@cemps.ac.cn
个人网页: http://xulinlab.cemps.ac.cn





1998年9月-2002年6月 上海交通大学 本科 学士学位
2002年9月-2005年3月 上海交通大学 硕士学位
2005年9月-2008年11月 法国斯特拉斯堡第一大学 博士学位
2008年11月-2013年11月 中科院上海生科院 植物生理生态研究所 副研究员
2013年12月-今 中科院上海生科院 植物生理生态研究所 研究员



    (#, Co-first author; *, corresponding author)

    1、Xu L.* (2018) De novo root regeneration from leaf explants: wounding, auxin, and cell fate transition. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 41:39-45 [Invited review]

    2、Sheng L.#, Hu X.#, Du Y., Zhang G., Huang H., Scheres B., Xu L.* (2017) Non-canonical WOX11-mediated root branching contributes to plasticity in Arabidopsis root system architecture. Development 144(17): 3134-3144

    3、Hu B.#, Zhang G.#, Liu W.#, Shi J.#, Wang H.#, Qi M., Li J., Qin P., Ruan Y., Huang H., Zhang Y., Xu L.* (2017) Divergent regeneration-competent cells adopt a common mechanism for callus initiation in angiosperms. Regeneration 4(3):132–139. [Cover story]

    4、Hu X., Xu L.* (2016) Transcription factors WOX11/12 directly activate WOX5/7 to promote root primordia initiation and organogenesis. Plant Physiol. 172(4):2363-2373

    5、Chen L., Tong J., Xiao L., Ruan Y., Liu J., Zeng M., Huang H., Wang J.-W., Xu L.* (2016) YUCCA-mediated auxin biogenesis is required for cell fate transition occurring during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 67(14):4273-4284 [Recommended by Insights (2016) J. Exp. Bot. 67 (14): 4011-4013]

    6、Chen X., Cheng J., Chen L., Zhang G., Huang H., Zhang, Y., Xu L.* (2016) Auxin-independent NAC pathway acts in response to explant-specific wounding and promotes root tip emergence during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 170(4):2136-2145

    7、Chen X.#, Qu Y.#, Sheng L., Liu J., Huang H. and Xu L.* (2014) A simple method suitable to study de novo root organogenesis. Front. Plant Sci. 5: 208 [Methods]

    8、Liu J.#, Sheng L.#, Xu Y.#, Li J., Yang Z., Huang H. and Xu L.* (2014) WOX11 and 12 are involved the first-step cell fate transition during de novo root organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 26(3):1081-1093 [Recommended by In Brief Article (2014) Plant Cell 26:845]

    9、Xu L.* and Huang H. (2014) Genetic and epigenetic controls of plant regeneration. Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 108: 1-33 [Invited review]

    10、He C., Chen X., Huang H. and Xu L.* (2012) Reprogramming of H3K27me3 is critical for acquisition of pluripotency from cultured Arabidopsis tissues. PLoS Genet. 8(8): e1002911 [Recommended by F1000]