2005.9-2009.7 本科 西安交通大学生物工程系
2009.9-2016.1 博士 中科院生物物理研究所
2016.3-2022.8 博士后 美国斯坦福大学分子与细胞生理学系
2022.9-至今 研究员 中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心
解析植物物质与能量代谢过程中起重要作用的膜蛋白的结构与分子机制,重点关注光合作用过程中的关键膜蛋白。近年来以第一作者或通迅作者(含共同)在Nature(3篇)、Science、Science Advances等杂志发表研究论文数篇。
1. Yang, T., Nian, Y., Lin, H., Li, J., Lin, X., Li, T., Wang, R., Wang, L., Beattie, G. A.*, Zhang, J.*, Fan, M.* Structure and mechanism of the osmoregulated choline transporter BetT. Science Advances 10, ado6229 (2024).
2. Ma, D., Hu, M., Yang, X., Liu, Q., Ye, F., Cai, W., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Chang, S., Wang, R., Yang, W., Ye, S., Su, N.*, Fan, M.*, Xu, H.*, Guo, J.*. Structural basis for sugar perception by Drosophilagustatory receptors. Science 383, eadj2609 (2024). (* Co-corresponding author)
3. Fan, M.#, Zhang, J.#, Lee, C.-L.#, Zhang, J.#, Feng, L. Structure and thiazide inhibition mechanism of the human Na–Cl cotransporter. Nature 614, 788-793 (2023).
4. Fan, M.#, Zhang, J.#, Tsai, C.-W.#, Orlando, B. J., Rodriguez, M., Xu, Y., Liao, M., Tsai, M.-F., Feng, L. Structure and mechanism of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter holocomplex. Nature 582, 129-133 (2020).
5. Fan, C. #, Fan, M. #, Orlando, B. J. #, Fastman, N. M. #, Zhang, J., Xu, Y., Chambers, M. G., Xu, X., Perry, K., Liao, M., Feng, L. X-ray and cryo-EM structures of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter. Nature 559, 575-579 (2018). (# Co-first author)
6. Fan, M. #, Xiao, Y. #, Li, M., Chang, W. Crystal structures of Arabidopsis thaliana oxalyl-CoA synthetase essential for oxalate degradation. Molecular Plant 9, 1349-1352 (2016).
7. Fan, M., Li, M., Liu, Z., Cao, P., Pan, X., Zhang, H., Zhao, X., Zhang, J. & Chang, W. Crystal structures of the PsbS protein essential for photoprotection in plants. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 22, 729-735 (2015). (Cover story)