8:30-8:40 研讨会正式开始,研讨会组委会主任许智宏院士讲话
8:40-9:10 Genetic Dissection of the Cytokinin Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana 左剑儒
9:10-9:40 Molecular-Genetics studies of plant phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway 薛红卫
9:40-10:10 Auxin Signalling in Arabidopsis organ development 谢旗
10:10-10:30 休息
10:30-11:00 Initiation and Maintenance of gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana 曹晓风
11:00-11:30 Functional analysis of two Arabidopsis activation-tagging mutants 瞿礼嘉
11:30-12:00 Cloning, Expression and Functional Characterization of 122 Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP Transcription Factors 朱玉贤
12:00-13:00 午餐
13:00-13:30 Molecular control of self-incompatibility in Antirrhinum 薛勇彪
13:30-14:00 Leaf developmental control by AS1/AS2 network in Arabidopsis 黄海
14:00-14:30 Cotton FIF1 targets a fiber-specific gene RDL1 and controls trichome initiation in Arabidopsis 王水
14:30-15:00 Arabidopsis gene URO regulates plant development by a temporal and spatial control of auxin distributions 袁政
15:00-15:30 休息
15:30-16:00 The Arabidopsis ASR1 protein is involved in both Auxin and SA pathways that alter development and disease resistance 何祖华
16:00-16:30 Mapping of Arabidopsis thaliana male sterile genes 杨仲南
16:30-17:00 Brassinosteroid stimulates plant tropism formation and regulates multiple developmental processes through regulating polar auxin transport capacities 李李
17:00-17:30 Overexpression of ASL3, a member of AS2 gene family, reveals the independence of the two AS2 regulated processes 梁婉琪