美国德克萨斯大学Liu Hung-wen(刘鸿文)教授访问植生生态所

10月17日,应合成生物学实验室的邀请,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Liu Hung-wen (刘鸿文)教授作为“Institute Seminar”系列报告特邀嘉宾访问植生生态所。

副所长王成树研究员、唐威华研究员,姜卫红研究员、张余研究员、Evangelos Tatsis研究员以及肖友利研究员等老师学生200多人参加了上午在2号楼一楼报告厅的学术报告会。该报告还吸引了同一园区有机所多个课题组的老师学生前来参会聆听,整个报告厅座无虚席。唐威华研究员首先对刘鸿文教授的来访表示了热烈欢迎,细致介绍了他的学术背景、研究方向、研究成果及获得的荣誉。随后刘鸿文教授做了题为“A B12-Dependent Radical SAM Enzyme Involved in Oxetanocin-A Biosynthesis”的学术报告。报告详细讲述了他们课题组10年来从事Oxetanocin-A生物合成的关键缩环途径机制的研究工作,结合生物有机和结构生物学等交叉综合性生物化学的策略,如何逐步全面解析了OxsB,OxsA在合成中的作用及其酶学催化机制。报告会后,唐威华研究员为刘鸿文教授颁发了嘉许证书,感谢他为植生生态所带来的精彩报告并欢迎积极参与和植生生态所的交流合作。


刘鸿文教授长期从事化学和生物学交叉领域的基础研究,主要研究重要天然产物生物合成途径中新颖酶的反应机制以及设计方法来控制或者改造酶的功能,刘鸿文教授获得包括NIH Research Career Development Award (1990), Horace S. Isbell Award (1993), MERIT Award (1999), Nakanishi Prize (2007), Repligen Award (2008), 台湾中央研究院院士 (2008), A. I. Scott Medal (2011), Arthur C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award (2014) 和中科院海外评审专家 (2015) 等多项荣誉称号。刘鸿文教授同时也是是美国科学进步协会、美国微生物学会、日本科学促进学会、美国化学学会等专业协会会员以及香港大学、国立清华大学、东海大学等大学名誉教授。刘鸿文教授从2004年开始担任Organic Letters杂志副主编,曾于2013年至2014年担任美国化学会生物学部主席,已在Science, Nature及其子刊,PNAS和JACS等国际权威学术期刊发表论文258余篇。

附:Dr. Hung-wen Liu is the George Hitchings Regent Chair in Drug Design, and is a Professor in the Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry Division of the College of Pharmacy and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas, Austin. His research lies at the crossroads of chemistry and biology, and focuses on the elucidation of the chemical mechanisms of enzymes that catalyze mechanistically unusual and physiologically important steps in the biosynthetic pathways of natural products. Over the years, his group has studied many intriguing chemical transformations in a wide variety of natural product classes. He was the recipient of the Horace S. Isbell Award from the American Chemical Society (ACS) Carbohydrate Division (1993), the Nakanishi Prize from the ACS Organic Division (2007), the Repligen Award from the ACS Biological Division (2008), Academician of Academia Sinica (2008), the A. I. Scott Medal (2011), and the Arthur C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award from the ACS (2014). He serves on many review panels and editorial boards. He has been an Associate Editor of Organic Letters since 2004.