科学论文是学术研究成果的主要表达与传播方式之一,也是学者之间交流沟通的桥梁。为提高科研人员的英文科学论文写作水平和投稿命中率,培养年轻的作者和未来的科学家,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology(JIPB)编辑部联合清华大学主办【科学论文写作规范培训班】。本培训班是JIPB举办的“科学论文写作规范”系列研讨班之一,由美国加州大学戴维斯分校的William Lucas教授和美国康奈尔大学Leon V. Kochian教授联袂主讲,内容涵盖科学论文写作规范和国际顶级期刊运行规则等。主要面向国内科研人员、研究生、大学生以及科技期刊编辑出版人员。参加学习者,可获得结业证书。限定参加人数150人,额满为止。
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
时间:2014 年 4 月 21 日– 22 日

(一)美国加州大学William Lucas教授
The Plant Cell 副主编
JIPB 副主编
Editorial Board Appointments:
Plant Physiology Editorial Board (1977 – 1992)
Annual Review of Plant Physiology & Plant Molecular Biology Editorial Board (1985 – 1990)
Protoplasma Editorial Board (1985 – 2004)
Planta Editorial Board (1989 – 2005)
Journal of Theoretical Biology (Associate Editor, 1999 – 2003)
The Plant Cell (Co-editor, 2003 – present)
The Plant Cell (Assigning Editor, 2006 – present)
Open Plant Science Journal Editorial Board (2007 – present)
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Associate Editor, 2007 – present)
Journal of Plant Biology (Overseas Editor, 2007 – 2011)
Selected Publications (from over 200 papers):
Wolf S, Deom CM, Beachy RN, Lucas WJ (1989) Movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus modifies plasmodesmatal size exclusion limit. Science 246: 377-379
Wolf S, Deom CM, Beachy RN, and Lucas WJ (1991) Plasmodesmatal function is probed using transgenic tobacco plants that express a virus movement protein. Plant Cell 3: 593-604
Schachtman DP, Schroeder JI, Lucas WJ, Anderson JA, Gaber RF (1992) Expression of an inward-rectifying potassium channel by the Arabidopsis KAT1 cDNA. Science 258: 1654-1658
Noueiry AO, Lucas WJ, Gilbertson RL (1994) Two Proteins of a plant DNA virus coordinate nuclear and plasmodesmal transport. Cell 76: 925-932
Lucas WJ, Bouche-Pillon S, Jackson DP, Nguyen L, Baker L, Ding B, Hake S (1995) Selective trafficking of KNOTTED1 and its mRNA through plant plasmodesmata. Science 270: 1980-1983
Jorgensen RA, Atkinson RG, Forster RLS, Lucas WJ (1998) An RNA-based information superhighway in plants. Science 279: 1486-1487
Rojas MR, Noueiry AO, Lucas WJ, Gilbertson RL (1998) Bean dwarf mosaic geminivirus movement proteins recognize DNA in a form- and size-specific manner. Cell 95: 105-113
Xoconostle-Cázares B, Xiang Y, Ruiz-Medrano R, Wang HL, Monzer J, Yoo BC, McFarland KC, Franceschi VR, Lucas WJ (1999) Plant paralog to viral movement protein potentiates transport of mRNA into the phloem. Science 283: 94-98
Kragler F, Monzer J, Xoconostle-Cázares B, Lucas WJ (2000) Peptide antagonists of the plasmodesmal macromolecular trafficking pathway. EMBO J 19: 2856-2868
Lucas WJ, Yoo BC, Kragler F (2001) RNA as a long-distance information macromolecule in plants. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2: 849-857
Foster TM, Lough TJ, Emerson SJ, Lee RH, Bowman JL, Forster RLS, Lucas WJ (2002) A surveillance system regulates selective entry of RNA into the shoot apex. Plant Cell 14: 1497-1508
Lee JY, Yoo BC, Rojas M, Gomez Ospina N, Staehelin LA, Lucas WJ (2003) Selective trafficking of non-cell-autonomous proteins mediated by NtNCAPP1. Science 299: 392–396
Yoo BC, Kragler F, Varkonyi-Gasic E, Haywood V, Archer-Evans S, Lee YM, Lough TJ, Lucas WJ (2004) A systemic small RNA signaling system in plants. Plant Cell 16: 1979 –2000
Lin MK, Belanger H, Lee YJ, Varkonyi-Gasic E, Taoka KI, Miura E, Xoconostle-Cázares B, Gendler K, Jorgensen RA, Phinney B, Lough TJ, Lucas WJ (2007) FT protein may act as the long-distance florigenic signal in the cucurbits. Plant Cell 19: 1488 –1506
Ham BK, Brandom J, Xoconostle-Cazares B, Ringgold V, Lough TJ, Lucas WJ (2009) Polypyrimidine tract binding protein, CmRBP50, forms the basis of a pumpkin phloem ribonucleoprotein complex. Plant Cell 21: 197–215
Huang S, Li R, Zhang Z, Li L, Gu, X, Fan W, Lucas WJ, et al. (2009) The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. Nature Genet 41: 1275–1281
Ruiz-Medrano R, Xoconostle-Cázares B, Ham BK, Li G, Lucas WJ (2011) Vascular expression in Arabidopsis is predicted by the frequency of CT/GA-rich repeats in gene promoters. Plant J 67: 130 –144
Li P, Ham BK, Lucas WJ (2011) CmRBP50 phosphorylation is essential for assembly of a stable phloem-mobile high-affinity ribonucleoprotein complex. J Biol Chem 286: 23142 –23149
Guo S, Zhang J, Sun H, Salse J, Lucas W J, Zhang H, Zheng Y, et al. (2012) The draft genome of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) and resequencing of 20 diverse accessions. Nat Genet 45: 51–58
Li R, Liu P, Wan Y, Chen T, Wang Q, Mettbach U, Baluška F, Samaj J, Fang X, Lucas WJ, Lin J (2012) A membrane microdomain-associated protein, Arabidopsis Flot1, is involved in a clathrin-independent endocytic pathway and is required for seedling development. Plant Cell 24: 2105–2122
Lucas WJ, Groover A, Lichtenberger R, Furuta K, Yadav SR, Helariutta Y, He XQ, Fukuda H, Kang J, Brady SM, Patrick JW, Sperry J, Yoshida A, Lopez-Millan AF, Grusak MA, Kachroo P (2013) The plant vascular system: Evolution, development and functions. J Integr Plant Biol 55: 294–388
Qi J, Liu X, Shen D, Miao H, Xie B, Li X, Zeng P, Wang S, Shang Y, Gu X, Du Y, Li Y, Lin T, Yuan J, Yang X, Chen J, Chen H, Xiong X, Huang K, Fei Z, Mao L, Tian L, Städler T, Renner SS, Kamoun S, Lucas WJ, Zhang Z, Huang S (2013) A genomic variation map provides insights into the genetic basis of cucumber domestication and diversity. Nat Genet 45: 1510–1515
Han X, Hyun TK, Zhang M, Koh E, Kang BH, Lucas WJ, Kim JY (2014) Auxin-callose mediated plasmodesmal gating is essential for effective auxin gradient formation and signaling. Dev Cell 28: 132–146

(二)美国康奈尔大学Leon V. Kochian教授
美国农业部罗伯特. 哈里农业与健康
JIPB 副主编
Editorial Board Appointments:
Plant Physiology Editorial Board (1977 – 1992)
Plant Physiology Monitoring Editor (1993 – Present)
Plant and Soil Editorial Board (1994 – 2000)
Planta Editorial Board (1995 – 2001)
Annual Review of Plant Physiology Editorial Board (1996 – 2001)
Journal of Phytoremediation Editorial Board (1997 – 2003)
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Associate Editor, 2010 – present)
Selected Publications (from over 200 papers):
Kochian LV, Lucas WJ (1982) Potassium transport in corn roots. I. Resolution of kinetics into a saturable and linear component. Plant Physiol 70: 1723–1731
Anderson JA, Huprikar SS, Kochian LV, Lucas, WJ, RF Gaber RF (1992) Functional expression of a probable Arabidopsis thaliana potassium channel in S. cerevisiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89: 3736–3740
Huang JW, Grunes DL, Kochian LV (1994) Calcium transport in right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles isolated from wheat roots. Characterization of a voltage-gated calcium channel. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91: 3473–3477
Jones DL, Kochian LV (1995) Aluminum inhibition of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 signal transduction pathway in wheat roots: A role in aluminum toxicity? Plant Cell 7: 1913–1922
Pence NS, Larsen PB, Ebbs SD, Letham DL, Lasat MM, Garvin DF, Eide D, Kochian LV (2000) The molecular physiology of heavy metal transport in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 9: 4956–4960
Garg AK, Kim JK, Owens TG, Ranwala AP, Choi YD, Kochian LV, Wu RJ (2002) Trehalose accumulation in rice plants confers high tolerance levels to different abiotic stresses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2: 15898–15903
Kochian LV, Hoekenga OA, Pineros MA (2004) How do crop plants tolerate acid soils? Mechanisms of aluminum tolerance and phosphorous efficiency. Annu Rev Plant Biol 55: 459–493
Liao H, Wan H, Shaff J, Wang X, Yan X, Kochian LV (2006) Phosphorus and aluminum interactions in soybean in relation to aluminum tolerance. Exudation of specific organic acids from different regions of the intact root system. Plant Physiol 2: 674–684
Hoekenga OA, Maron LG, Piñeros MA, Cançado GM, Shaff J, Kobayashi Y, Ryan PR, Dong B, Delhaize E, Sasaki T, Matsumoto H, Yamamoto Y, Koyama H, Kochian LV (2006) AtALMT1, which encodes a malate transporter, is identified as one of several genes critical for aluminum tolerance in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 25: 9738–974
Lu S, Van Eck J, Zhou X, Lopez AB, O'Halloran DM, Cosman KM, Conlin BJ, Paolillo DJ, Garvin DF, Vrebalov J, Kochian LV, Küpper H, Earle ED, Cao J , Li L (2006) The cauliflower Or gene encodes a DnaJ cysteine-rich domain-containing protein that mediates high levels of beta-carotene accumulation. Plant Cell 12: 3594–3605
Küpper H, Seib LO, Sivaguru M, Hoekenga OA, Kochian LV (2007) A method for cellular localization of gene expression via quantitative in situ hybridization in plants. Plant J 1: 159–175
Magalhaes JV, Liu J, Guimarães CT, Lana UG, Alves VM, Wang YH, Schaffert RE, Hoekenga OA, Piñeros MA, Shaff JE, Klein PE, Carneiro NP, Coelho CM, Trick HN, Kochian LV (2007) A gene in the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family confers aluminum tolerance in sorghum. Nat Genet 9: 1156–1161
Piñeros MA, Cançado GM, Maron LG, Lyi SM, Menossi M, Kochian LV (2008) Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: The case of ZmALMT1 - an anion-selective transporter. Plant J 2: 352–367
Maron LG, Kirst M, Mao C, Milner MJ, Menossi M, Kochian LV (2008) Transcriptional profiling of aluminum toxicity and tolerance responses in maize roots. New Phytol 1: 116–128
Piñeros MA, Cançado GM, Kochian LV (2008) Novel properties of the wheat aluminum tolerance organic acid transporter (TaALMT1) revealed by electrophysiological characterization in Xenopus Oocytes: Functional and structural implications. Plant Physiol 4: 2131–2146
Liu J, Magalhaes JV, Shaff J, Kochian LV (2009) Aluminum-activated citrate and malate transporters from the MATE and ALMT families function independently to confer Arabidopsis aluminum tolerance. Plant J 3: 389–399
Maron LG, Piñeros MA, Guimarães CT, Magalhaes, Pleiman JK, Mao C, Shaff J, Belicuas SN, Kochian LV (2010) Two functionally distinct members of the MATE (multi-drug and toxic compound extrusion) family of transporters potentially underlie two major aluminum tolerance QTLs in maize. Plant J 5: 728–740
Famoso AN, Zhao K, Clark RT, TungC-W, Wright MH, Bustamante C, KochianLV, McCouch SR (2011) Genetic architecture of aluminum tolerance in rice (O. sativa) determined through genome-wide association analysis and QTL mapping. PLoS Genetics 7: e1002221
Fang S, Clark RT, ZhengY, Iyer-PascuzziAS, WeitzJS, KochianLV, EdelsbrunnerH, Liao H, Benfey PN (2013) Evidence for genotype-dependent recognition by rice roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110: 2670–2675
Maron LG, Guimarães CT, Kirst M, AlbertPS, BirchlerJA, Bradbury P, Buckler ES, Coluccio AE, Danilova TV, Kudrna D, Magalhaes JV, Piñeros MA, Schatz MC, Wing R, Kochian LV (2013) Aluminum tolerance is associated with higher MATE1 gene copy-number in maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110: 5241–5246
Schroeder JI, Delhaize E, FrommerWB, Guerinot ML, Harrison MJ, Herrera-Estrella L, Horie T, Kochian LV, Munns R, Nishizawa NK, Tsay YF, Sanders D (2013) Using membrane transporters to improve crops for sustainable food production. Nature 497: 60 – 66
Sivaguru M, Liu JL, Kochian LV (2013) Targeted expression of SbMATE in the root distal transition zone is responsible for sorghum aluminum resistance. Plant J 76: 297–307
Ligaba A, Dreyer I, Margaryan A, Schneider DJ, Kochian LV, Piñeros MA (2013) Functional, structural and phylogenetic analysis of domains underlying the Al-sensitivity of the aluminium-activated malate/anion transporter, TaALMT1. Plant J 76: 766–780
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